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STEM EdKit的目標



學習不再是紙上談兵,從設計到應用都由學生作主導和實踐。STEM EdKit使學習的主導方向改變,雙向學習讓老師和學生更享受STEM的樂趣。

在過往,企業社會責任(CSR)限縮於追求股東最大利益,諾貝爾經濟學獎得主米爾頓.傅利曼(Milton Friedman)曾指出:「企業的社會責任就是增加利潤。」然而隨時代演進,CSR被重新定義應兼顧相關利害關係人(stakeholders)的權益,包括而不限於員工、客戶、上下游合作夥伴、消費者、社會與自然環境等。在社會使命組織形態日趨多元化的今日,社會影響力投資(impact investment)讓機構投資人和民間投資人都有機會以提供資源協助的方式扮演「階段性共創夥伴」的角色,藉由投資對永續發展目標有貢獻的企業,獲得投資報酬的同時亦為社會公益盡一份心力。

About Us

We are together to grow an education business, STEM EdKit has a mission to promote the need of STEM learning, which means to nurture a curious mind into students so that they will adaptable to the future creative economy with the ability to learn anytime independently and logically.

A.    Company value
Our colleague knows our core value in three domains, which were commitment, innovative workflow, and partnership. We hope that our staff will commit to growing our business with personal integrity in order to pursuit the core value.

B.    Deliver learning value
We called it the learning value because we are going to deliver these values through our learning kits. Learn by doing is the first thing we concern about in course design with content and educational kit. Spark joy intending to have continuous discovery when doing. Extrapolating is extendable to other applications. Dig Deep but Express Easy (“DDEE”) is also what we deliver in our learning kit, express ideas in a very easy to understand way, sum up the delivery of learning value, they are including:


  • Learn by doing

  • Spark joy

  • Extrapolating

  • Dig Deep but Express Easy 


C.    Product marketing

To deliver the learning value we intend to, four kinds of products are designed in our marketing strategy, they are including APIS, PISCIS, STELLA, and DOCENS as follows:

  • APIS – Course and Educational Kit,

  • PISCIS – Teacher coaching and re-build,

  • STELLA – Activities and project,

  • DOCENS – Training platform of a co-worker (train the trainers).


APIS - Topics are including smart home, solar PV system, smart city, smart farm & gardening, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), each set consist book and educational kit design for the purpose, fit for 10 lessons of activities at school, training center or clubhouse.

PISCIS is our product on teacher coaching and re-build, our target customer is a potential teacher or already full-time teacher intend to rebuild their STEM skill, it will be in our Tsuen Wan office at Hong Kong. These four kinds of teachers including 1) Facilitator, 2) Teacher, 3) Tutor, 4) Helper, for each school class or activities, we will send a teacher and a helper, however, for a class is more demanding, a facilitator and a tutor will be formed as a teaching group. PISCIS is our training class held to coach teachers to become familiar with STEM courses. It will charge HK$2,400 per day for a full-time teacher who could join the coaching. For those certified as a facilitator, who could independently lead a STEM class on both teaching and guiding practical skills, including micro: bit and Arduino programming. There will be a certificate to certify the courses who could teach in class.

STELLA is products on standalone activity, teachers will be sent to school according to the assigned schedule, each session will be 90 minutes at school. Several topics are on-going in the school including coin counting machines, flowering machines, etc. The proposed topic from our client leading to a co-develop project is also possible. 

DOCENS is our products on a training platform for training, programming technique of Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other single-board computers could be delivered by our learning platform. There are including teaching videos, projects, circuit diagrams, and many more integrated together as a platform. The course could be leading to a mini-engineering project like a greenhouse, STEM classroom, modify machine to allow students to participate in a real-life project. It is a course combine with a project leading to a product, with a student could work together.

D.    To growth the company

We believed that to grow the company by means of four things, they are including:

1.        Build our strength to have company value,

Resources including time, fund and human resources properly allocation to achieve the strength. Our vision is the future technological advancement build more on open-source hardware and software, and the technology build on it accelerates the cycle and benefits a wider cluster at large.  

2.        Build our team to inherent with learning value.

To deliver STEM learning value, we build our team to treasure training, innovation, act-and-check, do-and-plan, we construct a lot of prototypes to test market response, fine-tune the products, test, and evaluation. 

3.        Build our system to deliver products,

Our design of flow smooth and fine-tune product to deliver.

4.       Build our platform to integrate values.

We have a platform to co-develop course and education kit with our partner, any topics could be suggested to us and after evaluation the fit for the STEM learning purpose, individual will enter into a working partner with us, the submitted script will take care by our editing team to finalize the book editing and submit to a publisher. Once confirm the original authorship, each author could share the profit by a revenue model of 50% to 50% profit sharing on each book and educational after deducting the cost, the author with share 50% profit with us. This is an encouraging scheme to publish STEM learning books and educational kits. 




Creating values


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